Wen here, invoking my inner Yoda.
Deepak and Oprah's centering thought for my guided meditation today was
“I am the unbounded changeless self”.
And the quote of the day:
“The one you are looking for is the one who is looking.” - Francis of Assisi
My husband and I visited Italy in November of 2018, and one of the stops along our tour was the town of Assisi where St. Francis, patron saint of Italy, aka the patron saint of animals, began and ran the Franciscan order of monks. You know the one, there are garden statues literally all over the place of a thin friar in his quintessential long brown robe with little birds on him. Yep! That’s him.
We learned that he was different from many other priests of his time. He was considered odd by some because he didn’t follow the expected path. Deeply religious, he was also very attuned to nature and was known for talking to animals. He cared for living things and his order focused on helping the sick.
His quote, “The one you are looking for is the one who is looking,” is such a simple yet profound statement about our nature. It seems to me he is saying we are one with God consciousness with the ONENESS that is everything. We are looking for the ONE which is actually us, our consciousness. That’s a very bold statement for a Catholic in the 1200’s or even now for that matter.
My inner Yoda and I interpret that as...we each contain a spark of divinity.
What if we owned that?
How can you not love yourself if you are a piece of the divine?
How amazing are we if that is what we truly are!?!
It makes my heart sing. (Fa la la)
And...for those of you who need a more logical, science minded approach…
There is science to back up this notion that all of existence is ONE substance.
If you delve into the subatomic world of quanta, everything is really just energy vibrating at different frequencies. When isolated in labs, subatomic particles are affected by the act of being measured and observed. The fact that scientists are watching and measuring affects how the particles behave. It’s as if the particles are conscious of our consciousness!
And what’s more, nothing really exists in the vast field of conscious energy until we pay attention. All potentials are possible until we focus and it collapses into reality. So I guess that answers the old philosophy question, if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it really make a sound? Heh Heh.
Not only that, quantum experiments have further proven particles can be in 2 locations at once (bilocate). This happens to also be one of the miracles that can prove someone deserves the title of Saint in the Catholic religion. What an intriguing coincidence…
It seems we just might all be describing the same substance in different terms. This is blasphemous talk if you’re a staunch Catholic, and I’m certainly not one to want to offend. But can you entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, no one is left out? We truly are “one love” as Bob Marley sings about.
I was brought up Lutheran but drifted away from organized religion because I just couldn't believe that some of us were “saved” while others were not. Why would an omniscient, loving God create anything that wasn’t part of the ONENESS ?!
That simple truth led me on a path of seeking and discovery that has spanned the better portion of my life. I’ve gone down many spiritual, metaphysical, psychological and scientific paths. And as I continue to synthesize my truth, I know for sure...
”I am the unbounded changeless self” and “The one (I am) looking for is the one who is looking.” I think Deepok, Oprah and St. Francis just might agree with me. Oh and Bob too. ;)
Wen’s inner Yoday signing off.
Until next time…