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Writer's pictureCoach Jenna

Rock your World!

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Rock your world by creating new beliefs today with me, Zenn Jenn.

Have you ever noticed that some of your personal beliefs often aren’t very supportive? That you often think thoughts that actually contradict what you want out of life? You might not even realize that they are just “beliefs” and they may be running around disguised as the truth. This is especially convincing when you’re surrounded by co-workers, family or friends who have the same beliefs. Like “money doesn't grow on trees” or “people who work harder and longer always make more money.”

Well, I’ve recently realized that I’ve had some old, deep rooted, childhood beliefs that REALLY needed to go. Some of them I didn’t know even existed until I started doing some deep journaling around my beliefs about money, being a successful business owner and my body. Since then, I’ve made some pretty miraculous changes and more importantly, I just feel better! So much more powerful!

Then, last night at 3am, my brain was on the hamster wheel, headed downhill fast, thinking terrible thoughts. Luckily, in a moment of self realization, I was able to stop myself, turn on the light (ouch - that’s bright at 3am!) grab my journal and instantly begin retraining my brain and my thinking. I’d like to help you do the same.

First, choose a specific area of your life that you’d like to see change or shift. Maybe it’s around your career, money, relationships, it could be anything.

Next, write out what you currently believe about that situation. For example maybe you want a new career but you believe:

It would be too hard to change now.

No one will take me seriously.

I don’t have the right (education, background, resources….)

I'm not (smart enough, pretty enough)

It will take too much time.

I don’t have the will power.

I don't have the money.

Things like that never work for someone like me.

And go deep. Look back into your past. Where did you learn that belief? From a parent? At school? From your personal experience? Get as specific as you can about how that belief was born.

Now, this part is super important, DECIDE to change. Decide now that you are ready to see things differently.

Ask yourself:

Is there anyone in the world that this isn’t true for?

Anyone who has done what I want to do, and started from where I am?

Anyone who it was easy for?

Anyone who figured out how and made it or did it?

PS there always is.

This belief is just a certain way of thinking someone taught you once upon a time and that you accepted as true. But now you have the power to really examine that belief and see if it supports the life you want to live. If not, pitch it. Take a bright red pen and cross out everything you’ve written about that belief and next to it write “UNTIL NOW!” And take back your power!

Tell yourself "There ARE examples in the world of people that this belief isn’t true for. It’s not a law. It isn’t the only way it has to be for me. It’s just something I learned along the way that I THOUGHT was true."

BAM! In this moment I hope you can start to feel the shift.

Then start creating your new belief and retraining your brain with this:

I now see how certain old beliefs have not been supporting me living my best life and I CHOOSE to shift it now.

I now decide it’s no longer true for me.

I now choose a more empowering belief.

I now program my RAS (reticular activating system in the brain) to show me more and more examples that my new belief is true.

I allow myself time to shift into this new belief.

I am willing to change my mind and to see and believe differently.

AND I am willing to be gentle with myself along the way.

It may take a little time to strengthen this new belief and for new results to show up.

And that’s okay, I’ll still be watching for new signs and results today.

I am committed to this new belief and I have DECIDED this is the way it is for me from NOW ON.

This is my new normal.

When I notice my old belief coming back up I will remind myself (insert new your new belief here)

Now, write your new belief. Start with something you can believe in right off the bat, where no one needs to convince you that it’s true or that you could have it. If it doesn't feel realistic you won’t really be able to shift your thinking behind it. If you want to attract a loving partner and you’ve never had one, start with something like.

I love myself.

There are lots of things about me that are cool, unique and lovable.

Lots of people already love me.

More and more people love me everyday.

I am opening myself up to love more every day.

I may not be in a relationship yet, but I’m READY for one, and I’ll be expecting it to show up from now on. Was that the doorbell?

Overtime, up the ante on the new belief until the goal you are after just seems like the next normal and logical step for you and your life.

We’d love to hear your thoughts! What beliefs are you reprogramming? Want help? Comment on this post and help is on the way. See! You are supported already!

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1 comentario

11 sept 2019

Excellent advice - love the "hamster wheel" analogy in the middle of the night. Forwarding to a friend!

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