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Deep Gratitude

Writer's picture: Coach JennaCoach Jenna

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Wen here, invoking my inner Yoda.

Today I want to talk about gratitude.

If you are into self-help, law of attraction, metaphysics, manifesting or any related concepts, then you have most likely read or heard that creating a gratitude journal or list is a great way to get to that good feeling place where you become a vibrational match for what you want. Jenn and I call it Magnet Matching.

But what is it about gratitude exactly that is so powerful?

Well, for starters, it’s the exact opposite of feelings of “lack”. And when you are expressing gratitude for anything, you aren’t complaining and bitchin’ about what you don’t have or who’s upsetting you or the like. Even if you are doing a half-hearted list of “What I’m thankful for,” the vibration of abundance is activated. And if you can really get into deep gratitude for what you DO have...oh, baby, you are going to start Magnet Matching like you wouldn’t believe.

Let me show you what I mean.

Maybe you start a list like this:

I am thankful/grateful for…

My home

My friend(s)

My pet(s)

My family

A paycheck

This isn’t even very specific, but it already makes you feel better because you have these things in the first place.

However, I think we all can do a little better than a list a 1st grader would put on their Thanksgiving placemat art project.

Am I right? Yes, I’m right.

(And if you are right now looking back at that list and mumbling something about that kid doesn’t even have a paycheck...Ok, you got me there. But I digress, so let’s move on to the really good part of today.)

To really get into a DEEP state of gratitude, one that makes you a powerful vibrational match for more goodness in your life, take a subject and go much deeper with it. If you’re reading this, you are literate which means you went to school and have been taught to read. That’s something to be grateful for right there. If you disagree, read Malala Yousafazai’s story and you’ll change your sassy tune right away! So that could be one topic to make a list around, but I have and even more potent yet simple one for today.


So it’s highly likely that if you’re reading this right now, then you are living in a 1st world country (a blessing you may not think about much). And you may be drinking water or tea or coffee made with potable water which comes right to your home, school or office and is ALWAYS available.

And if you don’t think there’s much to be grateful for in tap water, I beg to differ.

One of my daughter’s best friends goes on an annual trip with her church group to South America. They venture into remote villages to survey the water source and it’s uses. They then teach the villagers about the benefits of clean water. They also set up and teach the people how to use and maintain a simple water filtration system. When she returned from her first trip, she showed us pictures of the water source in one particular village. A scoop of the water held hundreds of tiny white worms! She explained that was where the entire village was collecting drinking water! She explained that most of the children in the village had worms and chronic diarrhea from drinking and bathing in that water!

To be honest, it churned my stomach, and perhaps you are feeling a bit “green” right now too imagining it. YUCK!!!

SO...with the gross worm water in mind, how can we not be grateful to live in a country with potable water at our fingertips? This is 2019 and they were drinking WORM WATER!! That’s the other side of the coin people! That makes me REALLY REALLY REALLY grateful for tap water. That’s not a sentence most of us say on a daily basis, but today the shoe fits!


Now back to a Deep Gratitude list around a short list of topics. Let’s just take water and its many uses and deep gratitude journal the heck out of it.

Here’s my 4 minute list.I challenge you to add to it after you read what I wrote so far. You can add more in the comments section below this blog.

I am deeply grateful for water:

  • That comes filtered out of my fridge to drink

  • The way the sun sparkles golden on water at sunset

  • That fills my jacuzzi so I can relax there after a hard day

  • Water in my friend’s pool where I can swim and enjoy summer fun

  • That fills the ocean and makes this planet so alive

  • The lake near my mountain cabin where I enjoy time with family and friends

  • Water to wash myself, my clothes, etc.

  • To cool me when I’m hot

  • For hot or cold showers

  • To listen to trickle in a fountain to relax me

  • So I am always hydrated

  • To soak myself after a long day

  • Clean, worm free water to drink, cook, brush my teeth

  • Clean water to give my family

  • To be able to water my lawn and plants and keep it green

  • That comes right out of a pipe to my washing machine and dishwasher

When I read back over the list, I can really feel that deep sense of gratitude, the amazing good fortune I have to live in a place and time where fresh water is readily available. And I also notice in my list how many of the ways I’m grateful for water have to do with enjoying water experiences. I have sooooo much to be grateful for just in regards to water. That feels wonderful. And that high vibe can carry me through an improved state of mind all day which in turn also makes me a powerful magnet attracting all kinds of wonderful things I desire into my life.

That how it gratitude journaling can work for you. Give it a try. You can write it, record yourself saying it on your phone (Jenn and I call that Video Journaling or VJing), or just think it. 4-5 min. And Voila! (Picture me dropping the mic right here.)

Wen’s inner Yoda signing off.

Until next time…

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