Are you an impact-driven entrepreneur or business owner looking to rediscover your passion and drive so you can scale your success in 2023?
What if there was a predictable, supportive, step-by-step system for you to redefine yourself with confidence, increase your positivity, recapture your enthusiasm, and reinvent your personal and professional success?
Would you like to create a business plan for this year that can enable you to achieve tangible, measurable results, WITHOUT financial pain, paralysis, or procrastination?
And experience a mind shift that will free up your schedule so you can achieve the work-life balance you have always wanted?
Course Information
6 Sessions
Every Wednesday for 6 Weeks
Begins October 4th
Afternoon Session - Wednesdays: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM PST
Via Zoom
The Session Topics

Session 1: Business Mindset
Session 2: Circle of Personal Perspective
Session 3: Time Management
Session 4: Systems for Success
Session 5: Business Planning
Session 6: Implementing Leverage
Added Bonuses!
YOU ALSO GET: 30 minutes of additional coaching on ANY subject you'd like to discuss at the end of each session (that makes the session 90 minutes if you'd like to stay for the extra coaching.
30 minute private coaching call with Jenna upon completion of the course
Opportunity to join the Aligned Mastermind - for graduates ONLY
Yes! I'm Ready to Dive in!
This class has a value of $1,400
But You Only Pay $699
Here's why anything other than an exuberant and excited 'YES' is costing you your personal and professional prosperity.
Thousands of people like you struggle to find their ability to realize their full potential and value.
Your demoralization, along with the added pressure and pain of lack of income, and frustration over not being able to do what you KNOW you need to do, has left you dissatisfied.
And as you fail to take action to empower yourself to make a difference to others through your business, you feel as if your hopes to achieve your financial goals are slowly dying.
If you felt anything like me, your lust for life and achievement has been slipping through your fingers. You have been left feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.
Do you wonder how you can stop yourself from spending another day feeling lacking, inconsequent, and unable to fulfill your financial and personal dreams?
If you know, without a doubt, you're suffering from a lack of focus and drive, as well as that dread of failing to achieve the heights of success you deserve, then keep reading.

Jenna has always been a huge support for me in my career and personal life. When I need to change my perspective, improve/increase my vibration or just have someone to chat with, Jenna has always been able to help me feel better and look at situations differently.
I know for a fact my business would not be where it is today without Jenna, and I know I will continue to grow and improve as a person with her coaching and support. Thank you, Jenna, for sharing your passion and skills to help me!
Alycia H. Austin, TX Realtor

Is This You?
You aren't living the life you deserve. The life you've always dreamed of. You aren’t in a place where you are destined to have a profound and lasting impact on others through your work.
You desperately want to create a business plan but the thought of putting it into action feels you with dread.
The thing you desperately want is to jump off that springboard into a swimming pool of success. Full of crystal-clear water with zero uncertainty.
You feel stuck in a mindset that stops you from going from that $65k a year to reaching the $200k a year goal.
You are frustrated. You can't find a better and easier way to escalate your success. And you want to get those personal and professional wins while cutting out the 'quick fix' that so many online coaches say they can offer.
You need to rediscover and recoup that feeling of momentum in your business. Make your dreams of personal and professional joy a reality.
You want to be guided, supported and held accountable during this process. You want a cheerleader, someone who will high-five you and celebrate your wins. Because no one seems to understand how hard it is to hit those 20 sales calls.
You want to be held accountable, and by someone who ‘gets’ your challenges and walked in your shoes.
You’re sick of ‘going it alone’ and would love to be surrounded by others who understand that the struggle to motivate yourself every day is very, very real.
You want to be the master of your schedule and have enough hours in the day for quality ‘me’ and family time. Enjoy those precious moments that you only get to experience once.
A Crisis Point Crossroads Has Been Reached. But It's Not Your Fault
Let me know if this sounds familiar...
You had all these grand plans at the beginning of 2023 of FINALLY stepping into your power and reaching that big brassy financial goal through your passion.
There was no stopping you from taking the plunge, no matter what the cost might be. The amount of money you spent didn't matter to you because you were so invested.
The expense of training or courses was a drop in the bucket when it came to reaching the pinnacle of your success. Which you were certain you deserved.
You were there, in your mind's eye, with your loved ones, clinking champagne glasses and toasting your success. You were fired up and raring to go.
But then...things didn't work out that way.
How did your industrious miracle morning disappear? Where did your four-hour workweek go? Where was that drive and determination reminiscent of Michelle Obama's?
Your drive dissipated and your plans were shelved. Fulfilling your business goals filled you with fear. Even though you had optimism, you felt like standing astride the mountain of financial freedom was no longer attainable.
You continually chastised yourself, asking: "God damn it, I'm intelligent. I know I have what it takes, but I can’t seem to make it happen. Why can't I do this?"
Consequently, you were unable to take that crucial step you knew you needed to take in order to fulfill your destiny.

So, with all that immense effort, time, and money you've dedicated to pursuing your personal and professional goals, don't you now, in 2023, deserve some rapid results?
You deserve to step into the light of your bright shiny new existence away from those limiting beliefs. Then you can enjoy daily dinners at Michelin-starred restaurants.
You deserve to have that get-up-and-go feeling every single day, so you can attack your goal like you're trying to beat the best cyclist in your spin class.
You deserve to get your income from being stuck at a lowly $40k a year and supersize it at warp speed to $250k a year. So you can take time out to enjoy a luxury holiday with your family or loved one, and have a weekly massage.
You deserve not to think twice when you give $500 USD to charity and support the building of that orphanage in Africa because you can.
And you deserve to feel the warmth of that feeling in your stomach as you sip your coffee over morning croissants at a chalet in Lake Tahoe.
Because what you have created for yourself through your business has impacted hundreds if not thousands of lives as you have built a fabulous dream for yourself.
The 5 reasons you're unable to realize your business goals and how to make them a reality RIGHT NOW
Reason 1
You’re overwhelmed and believe you can’t step into what is rightfully yours.
Those limiting beliefs are the worst kind of horse whisperer. Why? Because it's friendly and safe when there isn't any change to deal with. You fear stepping out of your comfort zone…
What if someone could do that for you? Someone who could text you a “well-done, what a win” message when you hit those targets you’ve always wanted?
What you need is tried and tested strategies that are proven to bust through those limiting beliefs. That can get your subconscious off the sofa on inaction.
A step-by-step strategy designed to bust through those limiting beliefs. So that distant goal gets nearer with every single step. Systems and support leave you no room for error as you power towards your destiny.
Reason 2
It seems like you're a permanent resident of the "I'll do that tomorrow" hell. When you are struggling to stay motivated to do anything, it is always easier to put it off until another day…
Can you imagine if you had a Mrs. Motivator to hold you accountable? How about a personal coach who makes sure everything you HAVE to do is never put off until tomorrow?
Someone who delivers that method to you in manageable bite-size chunks that take minimal time and effort out of your day?
And as a result, instead of putting it off until tomorrow due to lack of time, you are already racing toward the finish line each and every morning.
Reason 3
Your Shiny Object Syndrome has made you too scared to try something that actually works…
You feel you have already invested so much in purchasing programs that you cannot spend another dime on a course that promises success. You feel it’s just not worth trying one more course.
You need support, handholding, care, and love when it comes to creating and achieving your predestined future. You need a guide who shows you the right steps to take.
Reason 4
Fear of failure prevents you from passing go…
You're a smart cookie, right? The last thing you want is to be seen as a non-achiever. However, this means that the fear of not achieving your goals is more overwhelming than starting them in the first place.
But what has every great inventor done to reach that life-changing moment? Their failures make them more confident they can succeed. Breaking through requires breaking down.
Go back to the beginning, and look at it from a different perspective. The more you fail, the closer you get to the right result. Having someone who's already done it for you can make the entire process so much easier for you.
Reason 5
You believe you know everything there is to learn about your business. Because it’s yours, right?
You think that as the creator of your own income stream, no one knows it better than you.
But why after trying every method to try and get to where you need to be, are you still stuck at the stop light?
What if there was a method that could break through your beliefs and change them for the better?
One that provides manageable bite-size steps to help you get the momentum you need?
And gives you personal and professional guidance giving you the motivation to overcome the obstacles you feel keep holding you back.
By investing in yourself in this way, you will achieve the financial success you have always dreamed of.
The good news is, it's now easier than ever to make 2023 your most fruitful year to date
If you have made it this far, you already know establishing a new way of thinking when it comes to your business is critical to your personal and professional success.
So, no need to remind you of that!
But maybe you didn't know you achieve personal and professional freedom using my step-by-step coaching system. It can give you the power to:
Have the ability to pivot on strategies in real-time
Create a solid foundation to profit from your expertise easily
Have successful sales conversations that end in results
Say goodbye to morning malaise and get your get up and go back
Discover what your true destiny that leads to your financial fruitfulness
Realize your dream of profiting from your heart's desire
Learn how to take inspired action with results
Overcome those limiting beliefs around your finances
Streamline your systems and procedure to realize your goals
Create an easily actionable business plan and super-size growth in 2023
Become the master of your time and schedule

Never again fear failure and instead see it as a stepping stone to growth
Gain insight from other like-minded business owners who can advise and support you
Learn how to master a positive mindset and make that primitive brain release you from the malaise it wants you to stay in, where it feels ‘safe’
Cut through the crap of so-called “woo-woo“ philosophies so you utilize only the knowledge that will give you supersized gains
Leverage a support network of like-minded people who will ‘have your back and applaud your success
Group Coaching is Perfect for You if...
You’re looking to elevate your business practices, and knock those goals out of the park. You want to achieve success using only the most powerful, easy-to-follow, what's working now strategies.
You're a solopreneur who turned your side hustle into your main game but life keeps getting in the way. You need clarity, guidance, and support.
You’re an entrepreneur who puts the letter ‘p’ in procrastination and paralysis. The struggle is real to find the energy and momentum to make ‘it’ happen.
You have no problem investing an hour a week for six, as long as you know that every bit of energy you invest in a strategic and meaningful step forward.
You’re a business owner who doesn’t want to go it alone. You want to be held accountable, and surrounded by trustworthy, fun, and intelligent people. People who ‘get’ the problems you face when it comes to your business and what makes you tick.
Your recent efforts in creating an actionable business plan are still at the before-planning stage, never mind anywhere near sketching out a map for tangible results.
You feel burnt out and time-poor in your business and are desperate to come up with a solution that actually solves your crazy schedule and ‘not enough hours in the day' mentality.
You believe that to achieve success, you need to invest in yourself spiritually and mentally as well as create an actionable system for your business.
You care about what can help you reach the pinnacle of your financial success, doing what you love. But you get skeptical when the advice being dished out is something that they used to get them to their goal in 2015. The world is a very different place.
You aren’t after this online learning, jump into my private Faceless book page malarkey. And especially not being in groups full of loads of people so you are a face in a crowd. You deserve and need the VIP treatment!
You're aware of all the profitable doors that will open once you have implemented scalable techniques to get your mojo jumping, your confidence boosting, and your finances flowing.
You're even more excited that you will make sure you know precisely the right techniques that will work in the quickest way possible to get you your big wins.
You're excited to try Group Coaching.
If you said "yes" to at least 6 of the above
and you're already mentally clinking that champagne glass as the ink dries on your latest 6-figure check, join Group Coaching.
Because Coaching Is the fastest and most affordable way to achieve your goals.
Yes, all those outcomes are within your reach (whether you are starting from the very beginning or you are on your 100th time around trying to realize your personal and professional goals)
If you're still with me, then I couldn't be more excited to introduce you to my Group Coaching System - 6 Weeks To Business Success - six weeks of coaching sessions that are designed to turbo-charge your 2023 and give you a truly positive mindset.
Take The 6-Weeks To Business Success Challenge
Embrace your new bright and sparkly existence and ascend to a level of financial security where you will literally be living your dream!
You'll have:
Security, certainty, positivity, prosperity, and a zest for life that will have you jumping out of bed every morning
But unlike other programs, I don't want you to wait to see results.
If you don't feel like you are well and truly feeling the mind shifts, smelling the roses, and seeing the changes you desire after 30 days, you'll get back your initial investment. Then you can scrape together the $100,000 you will need to get you where you know you need and want to be.
Yes! I'm Ready to Dive in!
Course Value: $7,494
One-time payment of $799